Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Modern American Music Post III

So taking kind of from the theme of what I commented on Erin's blog I'm going to talk about repetitive chord progression in popular music.

I am sure many of you have listened to Pachelbel's Canon in D and if not consciously you probably do know it regardless. It's a very commonly known piece but if you still aren't sure google it. Since this is being done off my iPod and not a computer there will no links so you will just have to look it up.

Obviously Pachelbel is not a modern American artist so you are probably confused as to why I mentioned it. Well Canon in D is a repeat of four chords over and over again to put it super simply. Four chords that are commonly found in pop songs today as well as some other types of music.

For examples of this look up Pachelbel Rant and there are also videos of a group that take all the songs and sort of smash them together.

This whole thing sort of reminds me of how when music was developing people would use music that they already knew from hymns and such for new songs because it was familiar. Just food for thought.

Anyway that's all I have for this week!!!


1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the discussion about this in class on Thursday. I never knew how much one artist can infiltrate music.
